Monday, January 5, 2009

Modeling of the thermal radiative behavior of rough coatings

Abstract 675 - Monte Carlo modeling of the thermal radiative behavior of rough coatings

Presented in the session Photothermal Techniques. Theory and Modeling at the 18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Pau, France 31 Aug-4 Sep 2008
Mr Hector Gomarta*+
Dr Benoit Rousseaua
Dr Domingos De Sousa Menesesa
Dr Patrick Echeguta

a CNRS Orléans
Site Haute Température
1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 cedex 02, France

*: Corresponding author
+: Presenting author

Surface roughness plays a crucial role in the thermal radiative properties of industrial systems, such as infrared heaters, plate near blackbody references used to calibrate a pyrometric setup. Nevertheless literature usually reports radiative properties simulations only for several wavelengths. In this study, we focus on modeling emissivity over a wide IR-spectral range for surfaces either measured by profilometry or numerically rebuild.

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