
Welcome and enjoy my blog. Feel free to submit your findings and news as appropriate.

Thank you for visiting,

Ray Peacock

Pennsylvania - U.S.A.
Email: grp [at] mrpyro [dot] com

Here's a little more about my website background

About, Inc. (now retired also)

Founded in 2001, my website company began as a temperature sensor and applications consulting company with a website, About Temperature Sensors (, the site I started in 1997 as a part time exercise to provide more resources for the students of the TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT COURSE that I was then teaching for the ISA

My thought was that there was plenty of information on the Web about sensors, all that was needed was some thoughtful indexing and a word or two of commentary. started in 1998 as almost an afterthought (hey, why not cover all the measurement devices, too). 

In 2002 I added as an adjunct news and directory website using an Open Source database content management software. (By the way, I like to crow about the fact that both temperature-related sites ranked very highly in Google Searches for "Temperature Sensors") for a number of years (until the rules of the game changed). 

Later I added and to my website network and began archiving information and data on those special optical properties on matter.

MeasurementMedia ( and  Measurement DataBases ( were added in 2005 to cover Meetings, Standards, Publications and Education & Training was formed. I called the entire collection the MeasurementMedia Network and even had a index website with that url. plus were added in 2006 and 2007 and the growth went on as the sites were all converted to use the WordPress Open Source content management software! I had a number of advertisers, including Google's AdSense affiliate program for several years.

In 2018 I began slowing down my activities. It was a lot of work maintaining all the sites, fighting off scammers and hackers and keeping up with the ever-changing requirements that Googles search ranking required.

Finally, I called the website business quits in 2019 and put all the domain names up for sale on GoDaddy Auctions, including some not described above that I never really got to use. 

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