Thursday, July 28, 2011

Experimental verification of a multiband system for non-contact temperature measurements

Proc. SPIE 5258, 198 (2003); doi:10.1117/12.544574
Conference Title: IV Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Conference Chair: Jozef Heldt


Adam Mazikowski and Marcin Gnyba
Gdansk Univ. of Technology (Poland)
Recent studies about non-contact temperature measurement concern passive multiband radiometric systems. These systems give a potential possibility of accurate temperature measurements in case of unknown and wavelength depended emissivity of the examined object. Modeling of such systems, what is usually the first stage of system designing, requires acceptance of several simplifications and approximations. In this paper an experimental verification of modeling result is performed. Based on developed experimental setup some tests are performed. It allows us to determine some systems parameters and whole system estimation.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Publications of Robert O. Knuteson

Reference online:,%20Robert%20O.&numOfRecs=25&currPage=1.

Sample Entries of the 38 records online at the University of Wisconsin Library:

1. Seemann, Suzanne W.; Borbas, Eva E.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Stephenson, Gordon R. and Huang, Hung-Lung. Development of a global infrared land surface emissivity database for application to clear sky sounding retrievals from multispectral satellite radiance measurements. Reprint # Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2008, pp.108-123. Call Number: Reprint # 5663

2. Tobin, David C.; Antonelli, Paolo; Revercomb, Henry E.; Dutcher, Steven; Turner, David D.; Taylor, Joe K.; Knuteson, Robert O. and Vinson, Kenneth. Hyperspectral data noise characterization using principle component analysis: Application to the atmospheric infrared sounder. Reprint # Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Volume 1, 2007, Doi:10.1117/1.2757707. Call Number: Reprint # 5392...

Increasing the accuracy of your temperature measurements.

Monitor Newsletter at Windmill Software ( ) regularly publishes useful articles related to measurement, control,...