Sunday, July 20, 2008


NORMAL SPECTRAL EMITTANCE, 800-1400 K, Authors: Harrison, W.N. ; Richmond, J.C. ; Skramstad, H.K.

From the Energy Citations Database, OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 4830164

Technical Report, WADC-TR-59-510(Pt.III), National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.,1961 Sep 01

The equipment for direct measurement of normal spectral emittance was extensively modified by incorporation of a new external optical system that increased the amount of radiant energy available for measurement by a factor of about 10, and other associated changes. The test procedure was modified by incorporation of a zero line'' correction. The equipment was calibrated by means of sector-disk attenuators which passed known fractions of the radiant flux from a blackbody furnace. Working standards of normal spectral emittance were prepared, calibrated, and shipped. An equation relating the normal spectral emissivity of a metal to five other parameters of the metal, each of which makes a non-linear contribution to the emissivity, was solved for one set of data by long hand'' methods. Some progress was made in setting up a program for solution of the equation by use of an electronic computer. Equipment for the automatic recording of spectral emittance data in a form suitable for direct entry into an electronic computer, and on-line computation from spectral emittance data of total emittance or solar absorptance, was designed. Specifications for the equipment were prepared and bids received preparatory to placing an order for its procurement. (auth)

1 comment:

Eric said...


Nice Site. Keep up the good work....

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