Friday, December 12, 2008

Emissivity Calculator Online

The Pyrometer Instrument Company, manufacturers of the Pyrolaser® and Pyrofiber® products, among others, have a unique, online emissivity calculator that enables one to calculate the temperature measurement effect of: wavelength, emissivity setting and temperature for Infrared measurement wavelength bands ranging from 0.655 micrometer to 10.6 micrometers.

You can access the calculator by CLICKING HERE

(Pyrometer Instrument Company, 92 North Main Street • Bldg 18-D • Windsor, NJ 08561 • USA
Telephone: (609) 443-5522 • Fax: (609) 443-5590 • Email: sales [at]

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Increasing the accuracy of your temperature measurements.

Monitor Newsletter at Windmill Software ( ) regularly publishes useful articles related to measurement, control,...