Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ASTM E307 - 72(2008) Standard Test Method for Normal Spectral Emittance

At Elevated Temperatures
Developed by ASTM Subcommittee: E21.04, on Space Simulation Test Methods, and in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 15.0 Space Simulation; Aerospace and Aircraft; Composite Materials

Quoting from the standard's Scope:
1. Scope

1.1 This test method describes a highly accurate technique for measuring the normal spectral emittance of electrically conducting materials or materials with electrically conducting substrates, in the temperature range from 600 to 1400 K, and at wavelengths from 1 to 35 ?m.

1.2 The test method requires expensive equipment and rather elaborate precautions, but produces data that are accurate to within a few percent. It is suitable for research laboratories where the highest precision and accuracy are desired, but is not recommended for routine production or acceptance testing. However, because of its high accuracy this test method can be used as a referee method to be applied to production and acceptance testing in cases of dispute...

Obtaining directly from ASTM International has two options:

1. Buy Standard (PDF): 6 pages $ 37.00 US (In PDF format, this active standard is the most current version published by ASTM. You will download the file after you check out of the ASTM Store.)

2. Buy Standard (Print): 6 pages $ 37.00 US (In printed format, this active standard is the most current version published by ASTM. After you place your order, ASTM will print this standard and deliver it to your ship-to address by common carrier.)

Ordering Options Outside of the United State. has many more: Click here: (http://www.astm.org/IMAGES03/InterNatDist.pdf)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Electro Optical Industries BB Emissivity Coatings

Electro Optical Industries (EOI) uses one of two high emissivity coatings on the surface of its blackbodies.

The EOI mid-temperature coating is used on both cavity and flat plate blackbodies that have a maximum operating temperatures of up to 210 °C.

Read the rest by visiting their webpage at: www.electro-optical.com/eoi_page.asp?h=What%20Is%20Emissivity?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Blackbody Emissivity Primer

From the Electro-Optical Industries website:

Typical Material Spectral Emissivity
"Effective emissivity is the ratio of the total amount of energy exiting a blackbody to that which is predicted by Planck’s law. This is the value most frequently referred to as "emissivity".

Effective emissivity of a cavity type blackbody will normally be much higher than the surface emissivity due to the multiple energy bounces inside the body cavity."

You can read the rest on this useful and informative webpage: www.electro-optical.com/html/bb_rad/emissivity/emisivty.asp

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Measurements of Pool-Fire Temperature Using IR Technique. (419 K)

By Qian, C.; Saito, K.

Ref: Combustion Institute/Central and Western States (USA) and Combustion Institute/Mexican National Section and American Flame Research Committee. Combustion Fundamentals and Applications. Joint Technical Meeting. Proceedings. April 23-26, 1995, San Antonio, TX, Gore, J. P., Editor(s), 81-86 pp, 1995.

Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

We made an attempt to measure the flame temperature of four different diameter hexane-pool-fires using IR technique. Emissivities for these four flames were estimated based on measurements of transmitted energy from a blackbody radiant source. The average flame temperature half way to the flame tip was 700-800 deg C, which was in good agreement with thermocouple-temperature measurements by others for a 3 m diameter hexane pool fire.

Click here to download a pdf version of the report:Measurements of Pool-Fire Temperature Using IR Technique. (419 K)

Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA

Friday, May 8, 2009

Table of Emissivities in Three Popular Spectral Regions

The Table of Emissivity on the INFRAPOINT Messtechnik GmbH website, posted in 2009 (No longer available online) had summary data for a wide variety of materials broken down into three distinct spectral regions for the wavelength regions where the majority of infrared radiation thermometers and Infrared Thermal Imaging cameras operate.

First and second are tables that deal with the narrow spectral bands about 0.9 µm and 1.6 µm, the regions where many Silicon (Si) photovoltaic detectors (peak wavelength response: (0.9 µm) and both Germanium (Ge) and Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) (nominal wavelength region (0.7 - 1.6 µm) are used.

The third table cover the 8 - 14 µm waveband where most "low" (near ambient) temperature IR thermometers and thermal imaging sensors operate.

It has been reproduced here below in the spirit of Internet openness from our archives. We hope there is no problem in doing so and if any heir or assigns of INFRAPOINT Messtechnik GmbH wishes to keep this information secret, obviously against the original intent of INFRAPOINT, please contact us according to our webpage contact information.

  Table of emissivity    
 The emissivity ? (radiant emittance factor) is the relationship of the radiated intensity of a body to the intensity of a blackbody of the same temperature.
It is the most important factor, in order to determine of an item exactly.

If you want to measure the surface temperature with an infrared thermometer the emissivity must be known and correct adjusted
on the instrument.
  Material Emissivity   Material Emissivity 
0.9 µm 
1.6 µm 
 Non metalsWavelength
8 - 14 µm  
 Aluminium, bright0.05 - 0.25 0.05 - 0.25  Asphalt 0.95  
 Aluminium, anodized0.2 - 0.4 0.1 - 0.4  Concrete0.95 
 Chrom, bright0.28 - 0.32 0.25 - 0.3  Gypsum0.85 - 0.95  
 Iron, oxidised0.4 - 0.80.5 - 0.9  Graphite 0.75 - 0.92  
 Iron, not oxidised0.350.1 - 0.3  Glass*, pane 0.80  
 Gold, bright0.020.02  Rubber0.85 - 0.95  
 Copper, bright0.06 - 0.200.06 - 0.20  Wood, natural0.8 - 0.95  
 Copper, oxidised 0.5 - 0.8 0.7 - 0.85  Chalk0.98  
 Magnesium0.03 - 0.8 0.05 - 0.3  Ceramics0.85 - 0.95  
 Brass, bright 0.8 - 0.95 0.01 - 0.05  Plastics0.85 - 0.95  
 Brass, oxidised 0.65 - 0.75 0.65 - 0.75  Masonry0.85 - 0.95  
 Nickel, oxidised 0.8 - 0.9 0.4 - 0.7  Human skin0.98  
 Platinum, black - 0,95  Oil paints0.85 - 0.95  
 Silver 0.02 0.02  Paper 0.85 - 0.95  
 Steel, melted0.30 0.20 - 0.25  Porcelain0.85 - 0.95  
 Steel, oxidised 0.8 - 0.9 0.8 - 0.9  Quartz 0.8  
 Steel, bright0.40 - 0.45 0.30 - 0.4  Carbon black0.95  
 Titanium, bright0.5 - 0.75 0.3 - 0.5  Chamotte 0.85 - 0.95  
 Titanium, oxidised - 0.6 - 0.8  Textile, Drapery0.85 - 0.95  
 Zinc, bright0.6 0.4 - 0.6  Tone0.95  
 Zinc, oxidised 0.5 0.05  Water0.95 
 Tin0.25 0.1 - 0.3  Cement 0.9  

* The emissivity of glass (0.95 - 0.97 µm) is in the range of 4.5 - 7 µm particularly high.
Glass has there an absorption band (spectral range, where materials absorb radiation).
To measure glass surface temperatures, the best wavelength is at 5.14 µm, because
the measurement at this range is not affected by absorption bands such as carbon or hydrogen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spectral emissivity of skin and pericardium

Spectral emissivity of skin and pericardium by J Steketee 1973 Phys. Med. Biol. 18 686-694 doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/18/5/307 Help

J Steketee, Department of Biological and Medical Physics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


A monochromator was modified to measure the emissivity, ?(?), of living tissue in the infrared region between 1 and 14 ?m. The infrared radiation from the tissue was compared with blackbody radiation and in this way ?(?) has been determined for white skin, black skin, burnt skin and pericardium.

A compensating skin thermometer was constructed to measure the temperature of the surface of the tissue. The temperature difference before and after contact between a gold ring and the surface was made as small as possible (0.05 K). A reference radiator with the same spectral radiance (experimentally determined) mas used in compensating for the environment.

It appeared that ?(?) for skin is independent of the wavelength and equal to 0.98+-0.01. These results contradict those of Elam, Goodwin and Lloyd Williams, but are in good agreement with those of Hardy and Watmough and Oliver.

In addition there was no difference between ?(?) for normal skin and burnt skin. Epicardium values were found to lie between 0.83 (fresh heart) and 0.90 (after 7 h and after 9 d).

Print publication: Issue 5 (September 1973)
PDF (504 KB)

Non-contact skin emissivity: measurement from reflectance

Reference Title:Non-contact skin emissivity: measurement from reflectance using step change in ambient radiation temperature Citation: T Togawa 1989 Clin. Phys. Physiol. Meas. 10 39-48 doi: 10.1088/0143-0815/10/1/004

Article by T Togawa of Inst. for Med. & Dental Eng., Tokyo Med. & Dental Univ., Japan


A method of estimating skin emissivity based on reflectance measurement upon transient stepwise change in the ambient radiation temperature was proposed. To effect this change, two shades at different temperatures were switched mechanically, and the change in radiation from the skin surface was recorded through an aperture for each shade by a high-resolution, fast-response radiometer having a sensitivity the 8-14 mu m range. Measurements were made on the forehead, forearm, palm and back of the hand in 10 male and 10 female subjects. No significant differences in emissivity were observed among sites and between sexes. The overall average of the skin emissivity obtained was 0.971+or-0.005 (SD). This result is inconsistent with most reported skin emissivity values. However, as the former studies had many inherent inadequacies, both theoretical and experimental, it is considered that most of these reported skin emissivities are unacceptable. The method proposed in the study has the following advantages: (1) relative calibration between instruments in unnecessary, (2) noncontact measurement can be achieved, and (3) each measurement can be made within one minute.

Available for purchase as a PDF (652 KB) downloadable document from the IOP website in the UK.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Temporal variations in the apparent emissivity of various materials

Temporal variations in the apparent emissivity of various materials

Author: Salvaggio, C.; Miller, D.P.

Author URL: www.cis.rit.edu/~cnspci/publications/5425-29.pdf

Year: 2004

Spectral emissivity measurements gathered in the longwave infrared region of the spectrum during a recent airborne hyperspectral data collection experiment indicated that the spectral emissivity of certain organic polymers changed by as much as 10% throughout the day. Inorganic and many other organic materials that were measured at the same time during this experiment showed no change. As this was an unexpected event, a subsequent experiment was designed to make emissivity measurements of several organic and inorganic materials over a 24-hour period/diurnal cycle. The results from this experiment confirmed that certain materials showed a significant spectral emissivity variation over this period. This paper will discuss some possible explanations for this variation and emphasize the significance and implications of this fact on the integrity of spectral emissivity measurements and spectral libraries being constructed in this wavelength region.

Citation Data:
Sensor Data Exploitation and Target Recognition, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery X, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5425, Orlando, FL, April 2004

Monday, February 23, 2009

Portable Fourier transform infrared spectroradiometer for field measurements of radiance & emissivity

By Andrew R. Korb, Peter Dybwad, Winthrop Wadsworth, and John W. Salisbury

A hand-held, battery-powered Fourier transform infrared spectroradiometer weighing 12.5 kg has been developed for the field measurement of spectral radiance from the Earth’s surface and atmosphere in the 3–5-µm and 8–14-µm atmospheric windows, with a 6-cm21 spectral resolution. Other versions of this instrument measure spectral radiance between 0.4 and 20 µm, using different optical materials and detectors, with maximum spectral resolutions of 1 cm21. The instrument tested here has a measured noise-equivalent delta T of 0.01 °C, and it measures surface emissivities, in the ?eld, with an accuracy of 0.02 or better in the 8–14-µm window 1depending on atmospheric conditions2, and within 0.04 in accessible regions of the 3–5-µm window. The unique, patented design of the interferometer has permitted operation in weather ranging from 0 to 45 °C and 0 to 100% relative humidity, and in vibration-intensive environments such as moving helicopters. The instrument has made field measurements of radiance and emissivity for 3 yr without loss of optical alignment. We describe the design of the instrument and discuss methods used to calibrate spectral radiance and calculate spectral emissivity from radiance measurements. Examples of emissivity spectra are shown for both the 3–5-µm and 8–14-µm atmospheric windows.

Key words: Fourier transform infrared spectroradiometer, portable spectrometer, infrared radiance
measurement, radiometric calibration, spectral emissivity calculation.
Reference: Korb, A.R., P. Dybwad, W. Wadsworth, and J.W. Salisbury, 1996, Portable Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Field Measurements of Radiance and Emissivity, Applied Optics, v.35, p.1679-1692. http://www.dpinstruments.com/papers/applied_optics_update.pdf

Copyright 1996 Optical Society of America

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Global Infrared Land Surface Emissivity:

UW-Madison Baseline Fit Emissivity Database

From the University of Wisconsin CIMSS data section: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/iremis/
This global database of infrared land surface emissivity is derived using input from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) operational land surface emissivity product (MOD11). The baseline fit method (Seemann et al., 2007), based on a conceptual model developed from laboratory measurements of surface emissivity, is applied to fill in the spectral gaps between the six emissivity wavelengths available in MOD11.

Downloading the dataset:
UW Baseline Fit Emissivity Database: Version 2.0 (released July 2006) and Version 3.0 (released March 2008):

Registration is required to obtain the data.

The JAMC paper that details the baseline fit procedure for deriving the database and its application to atmospheric retrievals is available at the website

Please reference this paper for any use of the database:
Seemann, S.W., E. E. Borbas, R. O. Knuteson, G. R. Stephenson, H.-L. Huang, 2007:
Development of a Global Infrared Land Surface Emissivity Database for Application to
Clear Sky Sounding Retrievals from Multi-spectral Satellite Radiance Measurements.

J. of Appl. Meteor. and Climatol., Vol. 47, 108-123.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thermophysical properties and normal spectral emittance of Iridium up to 3500 K

"Thermophysical properties and normal spectral emittance of Iridium up to 3500 K",

International Journal of Thermophysics Vol. 28(2), p. 697-710, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10765-007-0188-9, (2007) by C. Cagran, G. Pottlacher

C. Cagran1 and G. Pottlacher1 Contact Information
(1) Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology, Petersgasse 16, 8010 Graz, Austria

Published online: 10 May 2007
"An ohmic pulse-heating experiment together with radiometry and ?s-photopolarimetry is deployed at the Institute of Experimental Physics, Graz University of Technology, to obtain temperature-dependent thermophysical properties of conducting samples in the solid and molten states..."

"This experimental setup has been used within the present work to gather data for solid and liquid iridium. Results for both thermophysical properties, as well as the normal spectral emittance obtained at a wavelength of 684.5 nm up to 3500 K are reported. The newly obtained values for iridium are presented in graphical and tabular form and compared to available literature data. The uncertainties for all reported properties are stated and it follows that, considering these expanded uncertainties, the recent data are in very good agreement with literature sources. Mutually motivated by these good results and by the scarce (if any) data available for the liquid state, the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of liquid iridium are estimated by means of the Wiedemann–Franz law."

Keywords: ellipsometry - iridium - normal spectral emittance - pulse-heating - thermal conductivity - thermal diffusivity - thermophysical properties

Monday, January 5, 2009

Modeling of the thermal radiative behavior of rough coatings

Abstract 675 - Monte Carlo modeling of the thermal radiative behavior of rough coatings

Presented in the session Photothermal Techniques. Theory and Modeling at the 18th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Pau, France 31 Aug-4 Sep 2008
Mr Hector Gomarta*+
Dr Benoit Rousseaua
Dr Domingos De Sousa Menesesa
Dr Patrick Echeguta

a CNRS Orléans
Site Haute Température
1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 cedex 02, France

*: Corresponding author
+: Presenting author

Surface roughness plays a crucial role in the thermal radiative properties of industrial systems, such as infrared heaters, plate near blackbody references used to calibrate a pyrometric setup. Nevertheless literature usually reports radiative properties simulations only for several wavelengths. In this study, we focus on modeling emissivity over a wide IR-spectral range for surfaces either measured by profilometry or numerically rebuild.

Increasing the accuracy of your temperature measurements.

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