Sunday, May 17, 2020

COVID -19 Response Effectiveness

Which Prosperous Countries Did Best?

Current statical data provide insights into the COVID-19  effects on the world’s populous. They also provide some stellar views on the effectiveness of various countries’ preparedness and the effectiveness of their Public Health Systems.

Everyone has been aghast at the sudden illnesses and deaths in many European countries where deaths exceed 400 people per million (M) population according to the data updated daily on as of 15 May 2020. How did a few creditable countries like S. Korea and only a very few others shut the door so effectively on COVID-19?

Why has the response in the U.S.A. been so poor when compared to a few other prosperous countries like S. Korea, Germany and Austria? See some selected measures displayed on the freely available tables of data for all countries on and summarized below.

Whatever the reason, it is perhaps time for many countries to wake up to the real needs of science and the significance of priorities in Public Health. Certainly both S. Korea and Germany have governments that value their citizens lives and safety more highly than many others, including the U.S.A. Rhetoric and boisterous disclaimers pale when compared to the facts revealed in the data.

It should not take The Pandemic to deliver the message that our leaders are not very good at leading, but perhaps that will be the impetus for its leaders to do their jobs in the public interest...first.

Perhaps many on the US’s political left have some truly good ideas on Public Health.

Table 1, Selected data from

Date: May 15, 2020. 

Country     Total Cases   Active Cases   Total Deaths   Deaths/ 1M pop.    Tests/ 1M pop.

U.S.A.          1,470,067       1,074,576             87,704             265                         32,599

S. Korea           11,018                  937                 937                 5                          14,937

Germany         175,223            15,737               7,951               95                          37,585

Austria               16,109              1,010                 628                70                          39,040

Israel                 16,589              3,736                  236                31                          56,258

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