Wednesday, May 20, 2020

COVID Senior Deaths in US ~80% Of Total

COVID-19 Deaths Scary to This Senior

As a retiree, and a Senior, I am concerned that our leaders and media are either inept or deliberately trying to hide the true magnitude of the disaster that COVID-19 is taking on the Senior demographic. Here’s a few stats that I could find without too much digging, thanks to the links on the website.

From these data it is not a very far reach to conclude that Senior deaths make up about 80% or more of the total number of deaths reported to date. Am I wrong, or has this fact been subtlety hidden from the populous?

Both items are very scary, indeed! I suspect that most people including Seniors have a feeling that the number is about 50%, not the really dramatic and scary value of 80%! That’s more than 2/3rds of total deaths!!

Why, in heavens name, would State enumerators not analyze the data by age when there are analyses by all sorts of things like race, county and more? There is no uniformity to reporting and some states do a far more competent job than others.

Note please, that the percentages shown below are of the total number reported COVID-19 attributed deaths for each reporting unit. In some cases there was no breakout of deaths for people over 65 years age and, the number I used is half the reported number for between 60 and 69. That’s probably conservative since it is most likely that there are more deaths above 65 than below.

Percentage of  Deaths for Citizens 65 and Older Due to COVID-19 Infection By Sampled U.S.A. Areas:

New York: 74%
New Jersey: 80%
Connecticut: NR*
Massachusetts: 90%
Michigan: 88%
District of Columbia: 33% **
Louisiana: NR***
Pennsylvania: NR*
Rhode Island: 86%
Illinois: 68%
Maryland: 78%
Florida: 85%
Georgia: NR
Indiana: 83%

Average of reported and credible sample data: 81%

  • *Not Reported
  • ** Not Reported, not analyzed rest home data available, clearly under reported
  • ***Not Reported, some rest home data mentioned, no other

What does this imply?

Seems to me there are several obvious things that these statistics strongly imply:

1. The “News” Media does not have a clue, they seem to focus on the obvious and do not go any further like asking some thoughtful questions of those in charge about the meaning of lop-sided demographics of deaths in terms of treatments options, options in opening the economy and development of plans to better protect the vulnerable to make opening easier and sooner.

2. From the onset of the crisis there have been generic warnings about those who are vulnerable, but little beyond, again, vague generalities of washing hands and avoiding contact, There has nothing promoted about efforts to seriously impress the gravity of the situation on Seniors over 65!

3. Despite massive government efforts to develop antivirals and vaccines, there has been no mention, at least I haven’t heard any, about efforts to improve the immune systems of the most vulnerable people in the country, the ones who make up more than 80% of deaths, thus far. Are there medicinals, vitamins or some new pharmaceutical approach that could help? (My personal observation is that there are hardly any Vitamin C tablets available at CVS, Costco or other stores and even very slow delivery from Amazon online. Some people obviously believe in Vitamin C! Thanks to Dr Linus Pauling, a double Nobel Prize awardee, I am a fan; his arguments in his book, “Vitamin C and The Common Cold”, were very convincing to me. )

4. Seems to me that Seniors including those on Medicare should be receiving more urgent warnings and support to keep away from outside contacts and made aware of how truly serious the hazard is to them.


In a corrected report, March 18th, on morbidity and mortality, the CDC actually reported that 80% of COVID-19 deaths were among the 65 and older age group, yet I never heard any report in the media about it and it is buried in Internet search results. See:

Looks like the very high percentage of deaths from COVID-19 for those older than 65 holds true for Sweden, too.  According to the data online at, as of May 20, the percentage is 91.7%.

In April, Metro news in the U.K. estimated that about 82.3% of COVID-19 deaths was among those over age 65. See

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